Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Hey people! Have u guys been in a long distance relationship before? Its funny that 9 out of 10 people whom I've seek advise about LDRs tell me that they don't work. Knowing the optimists that I am, I kinda agree with the other guy who think it works if there's enough effort.

As you all know, I had a gf of 1 year before leaving for the States. After all that I've we've gone thru; the fights, break-ups, make-ups and unforgettable experiences, I thought that we could survive an LDR. Eventually when I arrived, we were talking on the phone almost every other day and sms-es were sent and received quite often. After a while, it got less and less. Ringtones are heard as often as you visit the saloon, and my inbox took 1 week to reach 10 messages.

Trust me, its not easy when you long for someone so much but you can't see/hold them. Sometimes, I just feel like buying a flight ticket and going back to see her. I won't even mind even if its for a day. Unfortunately, priorities and responsibilities are standing in the way. Isn't that great? When you ask 'the person up there' to send you an angel, he does. But in no time, he takes her away and leave you with your heads on your hands. Why does he like to see people suffer? Is it something he does as a favourite past time?

Anyways, after surviving an LDR for about one month. We gave in to singleton. Maybe we're just too young to be put thru something like this. Our young hearts are not up to the 'challenges' of an LDR. However, I'm actually quite relieved that i'm single again. No more heartache. No more wondering whether the other party still feels the same. In a sense, liberty has been granted. There's is less one being to tolerate and be patient with. Decisions and paths can now be decided without and extra consideration.

Not to worry people. I'm ok. It was kinda expected actually knowing our personalities. Social butterflies and living-today-as-if-you'll-die-2moro philosophy subscriber. Take care. Watch out for my future post on Atlanta. The places to see, people to laugh at and food to crave.

Peace out from A-town.


Anonymous said...

Maybe god decided to give you a chance to try a different flavour of angels.

Like "white" angels. :)

Anonymous said...

it's all god man. go on and get yourself a Georgia Peach. That ain't no fruit now!

Go on, Git!

Edgar Lim said...

Thanks for the advise...will start looking for ripe white peaches 2moro...=)

Anonymous said...

dude, serious?
ripe? a lil while more, over-ripe edi...we dont like overriped peaches now, do we?
they're only good for...ermmm..yogurt(?)...

Edgar Lim said...

I actually like yogurt. But anyways, ripe ones are very 'experienced'.

Anonymous said...

perhaps too experience until experience's all they got left...haha
joking...wateva goes ur way man...
i like cherries...xP

ian said...

the writing was on the wall man.

stay strong. get them white fresh peaches. i'm online if u need a chat.

take care.

Edna Lim Xin Yi said...

Hello sayang. One word for you. THRILLED!

Edgar Lim said...

edna: you're HEARTLESS! hahahaa...H-E-A-R-T-L-E-S-S!

Anonymous said...

looking for whites???Are you sure dude?? Do you have white friends or is it all Blacks in Atlanta??

Edgar Lim said...

There are certain areas where black are the majority and certain areas where whites are. Unfortunately the place where I'm living is a black area.

ButTeRcUp said...

hey dude... long time din come and didn't expect so much to happened. still, we have to stay alive and do what we have and must do rite? gambade!